rae's CODEPINK road journal

Thursday, November 11, 2004


Make a wish!

Let's take back our country, our democracy, our communities!


  • At 10:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yes, Rae, lets take back our country FROM YOU. More to the point, who are you going to take it back from you silly woman? Let's take back our country from gay right's organizations. Let's take back our country from Code Pink. Let's take the land right our from under San Francisco just because I don't agree with the Board of Governors or whatever they call their socialist city government. In fact, I think we need to send in Marines to take back the San Francisco city hall from people who are obviously committing sedition. They should be taken prisoner, tried by a court, found guilty by a legal jury, and, in my opinion, shot for treason. Yes, let's take back our country. Remember Rae, the take it back talk cuts both ways.


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