rae's CODEPINK road journal

Friday, October 29, 2004

Milwaukee Wind-Down

Today is Friday and I wake up dreaming of door knocking and box ticking-this stuff is permeating my brain... I drive Natalia to work and chill in the beautiful store that she works in- lost of expensive clothes, purses, and some cool jewelry. And I meet Alisha. And then I run about 10,000 errands in only an hour and a half (pretty remarkable, right?). This includes a trip to the post office to pick up a package for my mom which entails a big blow out with the man behind the counter who has clearly gone postal since 9/11 with security proceedures. I notice a silver placard on the wall that announces that the post office has been dedicated to Mr. George Bush--quick, we need a clearing! The women waiting in line with me are all voting and are all anti-George. Finally I get the package- and what a package it is: a box full of Halloween bags for Natalia, Wes and me from my mama, who is the greatest mom around (in case you haven't heard.) I stop by the shoe store and give the clerk an "Another Business says No.. to war in Iraq" poster and a pink slip bush flier. I finally arrive at work where I learn that yesterday the Milwaukee crew collectively knocked on over 3,100 doors! I spend the day (which is gorgeous and sunny outside) in the basement office barcoding, listening to good beats, preping turfs, and doing general office work... before the awesome night on the town commences... fish fry and pumpkin beer, here we come...


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